
Ahh, the old slippery slope. (Destiny)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 03:22 (3289 days ago) @ Funkmon
edited by uberfoop, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 03:30

It's a fallacious line of thinking

Not really. "Slippery slope fallacy" became a term because of people suggesting "X will lead to Y" when there's no particular reason to believe that X will lead to Y. But there's nothing fallacious in general about slippery slope arguments.

To suggest that successful sales on progression systems and microtransaction policies could lead to... more aggressive progression systems and microtransaction policies is pretty well backed-up by the last several decades of changes within the games industry. Things aren't necessarily going to go that way, but the probability is quite significant. And there's very clear incentive for it, for publishers.

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