
Definitely a positive, at least to me. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 01:00 (3289 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

I mean, she's a shitty lyricist, but we know that, in general, her records are what she wants because of her creative control and how much she does put into her songs.

The first bit of this video is about how she and Dr. Luke went through and did I Can Do Better, a bad song from her 3rd album, so you can see how much of it she really does. In another part of the video, you can see her coming up with a genuinely awful lyric while wasted "I will drink as much limoncello as I can, and I'll do it again and again," and loving it. It made it into the song. Anyway, once you get a feeling of what she does, you don't have to watch any more.

EXCEPT you should totally skip to 8:33 to hear her nail a vocal track then yell "I'm so hammered!"

Is this the best for the quality of her songs? Well, I don't know. Sometimes on the ones where she has a lot of lyric help (like the ones she wrote with Butch Walker for her second record) they come out as stronger songs.

However, on her fourth album, a lot of the songs were done by her exclusively, with collaboration kept to a minimum and I think the record is stronger for that. Indeed, my favourite songs and lyrics from that are the ones she did by herself or with Evan Taubenfeld, her old friend and first guitar player for her band...and Evan has said she uses him for a sounding board more than anything.

But something else to keep in mind is that she is just singing a bunch of dumb pop bullshit. It's not supposed to have some kind of huge point or anything, but either make you feel what Avril is feeling (which can be done with simple, easily relatable lyrics), or to get stuck in your head.

Girlfriend, for example, is a get stuck in your head song.
My Happy Ending, as another example, is a make you feel anger and rage after a breakup song, like Avril was feeling.

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