
Ok, finished reading (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 02:42 (3289 days ago) @ Beorn

It's also helpful that they're talking about the fact that it's not JUST the exclusive class items that will have stats and perks; other class items will be similarly endowed. Feels a lot less like "pay to win".

Yeah. If anything, I suspect the exclusive class items will be used minimally by those who have them (probably just to level up a character or item faster), since it sounds like the other class items will have actual stat effects. I'm making an assumption here that those exclusive items will ONLY do XP boosts, not that + stat boosts.

I can only imagine what went down at the studio this past week to garner this response, but it's obvious that there are some growing pains inside Bungie and needing to communicate with a fanbase this large. I also appreciate Luke's letter -- it reads sincerely and above-the-board, which is what was needed.

I still don't think it was all that bad. But I guess my opinion doesn't matter, as far as what Bungie needed to do about it. Whether or not the intensity of the community reaction was appropriate, folks were up in arms to a degree that required a response.

And finally, that Year 1 stuff looks slick. :)

Tiger Man lives!

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