
Let me straighten one thing out (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 05:12 (3280 days ago) @ Doooskey

I'm reading a few of people complaining about the fact that the "upgrade" price to get the Collector's Edition content is $20. Just to be clear, this is, and has always been, the price of this content. Digital Collector's Edition and the physical Collector's Edition BOTH cost $80 (Which I've stated a few times was the only part of the pricing for The Taken King that bothered me). The physical CE (which for some reason is a Gamestop exclusive in the US) basically comes with a bunch of free physical loot. If they had charged anything less than $20 then a lot of people who already pre-ordered the Digital CE would be screwed out of money that they could not get back. We'll have to wait and see about the people who did that but already owned Destiny and the expansions as they say they will have info for them soon.

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