Bungie Job openings (Off-Topic)

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, December 09, 2017, 12:02 (2484 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Your hypothetical where they just offer things for sale with no way to get them for fee would absolutely not be better. That’s all I’m saying.

But the whole 'earning them for free' part is a trap. It sounds good, but requires compromises to the game design. If you really can earn them for free by playing, and your game is good, nobody would buy anything because it would be more fun to play and not pay, than to not play and pay. Hence, the frictions.

This was wrong the first time you said it, and the second time, and the 1000th time. It's STILL wrong.

It will never be right.

There are tens of millions of gamers in this world. (Hundreds? Probably.) The idea that you can make a statement like that, and have it be right for all, or even a lot, of them, is ludicrous in the extreme.

Lots and lots and LOTS of people love to play, but have less free time than you have. Lots and lots and LOTS of people love to play, and have MORE free time than you have. Priorities are not set in a vacuum, and not everyone chooses to prioritize the same things. Multiple paths to the same goal is a POSITIVE situation, not a negative one. And you're 100% wrong when you say that if it's fun, some folks won't pay.

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