
Please no legislation...! (Off-Topic)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 14:48 (2479 days ago) @ slycrel

We need legislation to remove gambling elements from microtransactions, or dictate that when you pay full price for a game, all of that game's content is included in that price and not walled behind microtransactions.

I strongly disagree with this. I don't want some government beaurocrat (who has their own self-interests in mind) making decisions on behalf of game makers. Making games is hard enough without involving that level of BS, which IMO won't really solve much.

I personally don't have a problem with micro-transactions existing. But I don't love them.

I do care a lot about how they are implemented, and what they can/are/will do to my gaming experiences, and further, those of my children. I think they can be extras. Once they cross into core gameplay (which is different for different people) then I start losing interest and removing myself and my money from the equation.

But I respect their right to go down such paths, and to suffer the consequences (both good and bad) of those decisions.

Disclaimer: I bought an emote once so I could harass a friend with it. It was well worth the money...! I've bought nothing else.

You understand that I'm suggesting legislation to remove the gambling element from microtransactions, correct?

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