
An opportunity for discussion (Off-Topic)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 11:02 (2393 days ago) @ cheapLEY

It’s true. Everybody heaps praise on CD PROJEKT RED because they don’t pull any of this. They make money. Bungie should be like them. Because frankly as a Bungie fan it actually is embarrassing to see everybody laughing at them, even if I don’t 100% agree.

CD PROJEKT RED also reportedly underpays and overworks its employees. I don’t know the truth of the matter, and then being in Poland with a different wage expectation and work culture muddies the waters in that regard. But let’s not pretend that CD PROJEKT is some bastion everyone should be looking to emulate.

You can't argue both that you don't know the truth of the matter and that you do know they aren't a bastion people should emulate. Let's stick with we don't know about the company itself, but we do know that the way they treat their customers is awesome.

I have no doubt that studios can still make great AAA games with no micro transactions and still make good money, but as long as we function in a society where companies must seek higher and higher profits at all costs, this isn’t going to go away.

We need legislation to remove gambling elements from microtransactions, or dictate that when you pay full price for a game, all of that game's content is included in that price and not walled behind microtransactions.

I won’t say I’m fond of micro transactions, but as far as they go, Bungie does them alright.

Bungie includes a gambling aspect and therefore does not get a pass from me. If they only sold specific items directly without any skinnerbox, I'd be okay with them.

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