
I buy loot boxes in Madden Mobile. (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 17:37 (2479 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I wans't referring to you, just for the record. I hope you didn't think that.

I was referring to the general audience, the folks you see on reddit constantly bitching about everything, but not actually caring enough to make a stand by just not buying the game, or the DLC.

If anyone makes a comment about not regretting a preorder, or admitting to buying Silver, they're met with a barrage of "this is your fault!" posts. That may be true in the strictest sense, but I don't think anyone needs to be shamed or feel guilty for it. You can buy loot boxes without being a gambling addict, you can preorder games without being an idiot, and everyone else can honestly avoid the issue completely entirely by just playing different games. There are so many great games out there to play without lootboxes, so why aren't people making a stand and playing those instead of playing Destiny for hundreds of hours and then bitching constantly about it?

On the flipside, I think it's also totally possible to hate lootboxes and everything associated with them and still thoroughly enjoy Destiny, and it doesn't make you a hypocrite or a bad person for doing so.

People should just focus more on doing things they like without pointing fingers at everyone else.

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