
An opportunity for discussion (Off-Topic)

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 06:45 (2393 days ago) @ Cody Miller

[*]Create sustainable player progression and chase through Destiny 2’s Bright Engram

Instead of a compelling game. Okay.

How about Alongside a compelling game? (This is clearly not a game/creative director position. And lots of designers who make amazing and compelling components of the Destiny games are still doing their thing!)

[*]Work closely with our Live leadership team to craft a long-term vision for the Eververse and its presence in the Destiny IP

It belongs in one of those alternate Vex realities.

Look. Eververse isn't going away. What if we the community had more dialog (less yelling into the nightmare realm) with Bungie about what that balance looks like?

[*]Design and implement new features and systems with an eye on engagement, retention, and monetization

Fuck that.

People gotta eat. And pay rent, and so on a so forth. I Actually have more of a problem with the second point (retention) as I personally want "new things to do" rather than "emotes to chase."

[*]Use data and design sensibilities to define strategies for maintaining ideal engagement patterns and maximizing player satisfaction

In other words, a game designer?

[*]Work with Destiny 2 leadership to help define a cohesive monetization experience across multiple expansions and seasons


Does this honestly surprise you? Sure you're entitled to your opinion and be upset and frustrated, but this is literally what D1 did. They're just refining it (exclusive items per season for example).

[*]Manage the creative and craft growth of Progression designers on the Eververse team and help establish a strong design culture

I don't even…

Last time I saw a Job posting like this in 2010, I knew it was trouble…

Look, I don't love Eververse either. But unless you want the base game to be $100 (which means significantly fewer people would buy it), it's not going away (unless some sort of legislation gets passed). At this point, I think we'd be better to focus our efforts to communicate with Bungie about HOW (no not House of Wolves) loot boxes/Eververse items work in Destiny.

I'll start:

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