
Bungie Job openings (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, December 08, 2017, 11:01 (2392 days ago) @ bluvasa

I see this two ways:

1. Bungie is doubling down on their current crappy practices and is going full bore with more pay to win "features."


2. Bungie realizes that their current strategy isn't working and is looking for additional expertise/resources to do it better.

I'm inclined to think it is more 2 than 1, especially with all the negative sentiment regarding EA and their Battlefront screw ups. Bungie (and Activision) has to know that they could easily become the next microtransaction scapegoat and need to tread lightly.

I think the only sensible thing is this:

The Eververse and progression are completely separated. Items in the Eververse are cosmetic only, and cannot be earned in game. This eliminates the need to design 'frictions' into the game that make it worse for people who have no interest in cosmetics. This means doing away with Bright Engrams.

No boxes. Everything is purchased individually for a set price of real money. Do away with silver even.

The option to buy everything Eververse sells for a bundle price, perhaps 30 bucks. This should be included in special or ultimate editions of the game.

You're welcome Bungie. You can take that job posting down now, and it didn't cost you a thing!

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