
An opportunity for discussion (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 08:16 (2486 days ago) @ breitzen

The idea that these types of things are neasesary for AAA development - that games can’t be made and people can’t be paid without them is false. EA even admitted as such with the Star Wars debacle. They basically said their games make money just fine without it, but it’s just extra. Just like the used games controversy, people are willingly accepting excuses, even when ultimately the fans are hurt.

Datto posted something on twitter along the lines of “Doesn’t Bungie care that all the news about them is negative in the press lately? Aren’t they embarrassed? Why don’t they do something?”

It’s true. Everybody heaps praise on CD PROJEKT RED because they don’t pull any of this. They make money. Bungie should be like them. Because frankly as a Bungie fan it actually is embarrassing to see everybody laughing at them, even if I don’t 100% agree.

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