
It is not a tiny ounce (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, July 27, 2015, 20:02 (3416 days ago) @ Avateur

Heh. I agree with you. I've always thought the one year mark was the pretty accepted time frame for these sorts of things. I'm not even sure where that came from. Maybe it's different for different folks, but if I'm interested in something and can't be bothered to get around to it within a year, I'm not that interested in it, and I'll likely never get there.

However, I do see the other side of the issue. Cody's spoiler served no purpose whatsoever. His point would have been just as relevant without being so specific. In his original post, he talked mentioned the Red Wedding. That's fine, by why go on to mention what actually happens at the event? Everyone who knows what happened doesn't need the specific event to be mentioned, saying "The Red Wedding" is enough. Those that don't know would still get the point from context: it's a big story event.

The House of Cards spoiler was needless altogether, but again, that was two season ago. If you're legitimately interested in the show, I can't picture you being that far behind.

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