
Why Bungie gets visual storytelling wrong (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, July 27, 2015, 15:33 (3259 days ago) @ Cody Miller

See, when I watch a movie, I know what I'm looking at is an artificially constructed view, pieced together by the director, cinematographer, a bunch of actors and visual FX, etc. It is just as "fake" to me as words on a page.

Maybe after the fact, but you don't while you are watching. Otherwise you wouldn't watch and you would care at all. It just be little lights moving around, and why would I want to watch that? If you've been in to any movie or any show ever, then you've fallen for the illusion.

Yes, I absolutely do while I'm watching. Ever since I can remember, my parents drilled it in to my head that "nothing on that screen is real". I think they were worried about my young impressionable mind being warped by TV so they made a concerted effort to teach me that it is totally fake. That, combined with the fact that I have an interest in tv and film production. I'm always aware of the person holding the camera, the people running the lighting, the work that went in to the audio mix, etc. In very rare cases, a TV or movie connects so strongly with me that I am able to forget all of those things... just like The Last of Us or Journey made me forget I was holding a controller, or Traitor made me forget I was reading words on a page :)

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