
This leaves me wondering... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, July 27, 2015, 12:51 (3505 days ago) @ Mid7night

Heh. Good point about this being in text rather than in video. Also this:

This isn't "better", it's just faster, easier and dare I say it; lazier.

Agreed. Any of us could film a boring minute of watching grass grow and then suddenly have a guy in a clown mask appear and yell "rrrraw" with a loud swell of music and we'd cause just about everyone to be startled. But I don't think that has nowhere near the value of managing to hold a reader's attention for a hundred pages of setup and investment and gets them to whisper "...wow..." to themselves after a successfully pulled off twist.

Careful on the lazy bit though. As demonstrated above a video can absolutely be lazy, but not all are and they certainly don't have to be.

The thing is, I wouldn't trade one of those "...wow..."s for a hundred dumb clown videos even though the clown video generated what appeared to be a stronger emotional response. This is not to say I don't value movies. I laughed and cried my heart out during Inside Out recently probably in ways that would be hard to get me to do in book form.

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