
What's the Statute of Limitations on Spoilers? (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, July 27, 2015, 17:39 (3505 days ago) @ someotherguy

Why not? I hadn't even heard of House of Cards until maybe 4 months ago. What about someone who is just now getting into Game of Thrones? Would it still be okay to spoil Season 5 because it's over a year old? A Distant Echo is a pretty old book, but I still won't tell you whodunnit because who benefits from that?

Unless the discussion is literally about the spoiler, err on the safe side. What's 5 seconds of your time in exchange for letting someone experience that magic of surprise?

Definitely with you. There's no reason not to put in a tiny ounce of effort to avoid taking something special away from someone, no matter what the time frame. People experience things at all different times. I started watching Game of Thrones after season 3 had come out and I had already had a bunch of it ruined for me just from random memes and crap. It's one of the reasons I now use plug-ins that filter out keywords of movie and TV titles I'm interested in from social media sites I visit. But that's not a perfect system and I can't predict what I might be interested in down the line.

Pretty much the main reason I ever go to the theater anymore, which is rare, is just to get watching a movie I might be excited about over with so I don't have to worry about jackasses on the Internet ruining it for me. It's stressful, hah. If I didn't have to use the Internet to promote/sell my art, I probably would have abandoned it long ago.

Personally, I try not to not even speak about the Skywalker family tree, at least around kids. Wouldn't want to ruin the greatest twist of all time for an eight-year-old. :)

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