Crucible - please kill me now. Too late, I'm already dead. (Destiny)

by Numinar @, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 11:07 (3784 days ago) @ yakaman

It's all conjecture, and I am always wary of blaming the webz for my own poor in game decisions, but Battlefield allows clients to tell the server whether they hit someone or not. In that game it results in running around a corner, out of line of sight of your enemy, but getting shot by them as due to lag they still see you on their screen before you went around the corner. Or they did shoot you when you were outside but the system took a second or so to pass that info on to you.

I don't even hate it in that game, it seems like a good trade off in that game for all the other things it does, and forces you to not get in such a situation in the first place.

Halo/Destiny has that thing with the mutual kill result, which is far more common than you would think given the speed of ordnance, but since we have had this since H2 I have grown used to it (Solutions tend to result in more "I totally won that why am I dead!" situations).

In Destiny the only time I get suspicious is when I go 1v1 (which I normally try to avoid in any case, but this is futile!) and someone with an AR, takes me down faster than I take them down with BR/DMR, at med-long range. Yes, sometimes it is my aiming, but I go down SO fast that I feel like the server/enemy client must be seeing something I am not.

I am not trying to make excuses, I am crap at shooters. First to admit it. I lose to better playing in Halo all the time. But this behavior seems downright bugged/wrong.

I understand how hard it is, the internet is not made for reflex/split second timing games, regardless of how awesome they seem to work on it. It's a form of inaccuracies that the best games, which I hope/believe Destiny is one of, get around by making positioning/communication/tactics more important than the 1v1 head on duel.

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