Somewhere, someone must be loving it? (Destiny)

by yakaman, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:37 (3784 days ago) @ someotherguy

M finding the more I play, the more Im enjoying myself. Think I just needed to get into the right mindset. The vheap kills are still painfully cheap, but they don't seem to be happening as often any more, as Im learning not to put myself in as many vulnerable positions.

Really not enjoying the vehicles, but have been lucky enough to have the Interceptors take care of each other the last couple of games in First Light.

Not writing it off, venting - Krakatoa-style. Regarding the vehicles...sure, I'm not dying as often, because I'm freaking huddled indoors like a coward. I'm not dying, but am I really living?

I'm guessing they'll be trying to balance the following:

- Vehicles/anti-vehicle strategy
- Mid-range rifles vs short range rifles for short, mid, long range fighting
- ?

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