I haven't been having an issue (Destiny)

by yakaman, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:05 (3784 days ago) @ Chris101b

This isn't meant to be a "I'm really great at this game" reply, I only mean to explain that you can't play this game in the same way that you played Halo. It's a completely different experience. For me, I take things slow, pay SUPER close attention to my radar, and I never sprint into a fight. I will sprint until I see a blip on my radar, and then slow things down in order to insure a kill. I had to completely change the way I play multiplayer and it has really paid off. Also, map knowledge is key. Knowing where that blip on the radar corresponds to which area of the map has really helped me start putting bullets on people almost before they even round the corner.

Don't get me wrong - I don't doubt that there are people like yourself that are really enjoying and excelling at Crucible. It is a finely crafted experience - the controls, the ambiance, the announcer, the sound, the feel. It's just that personally, I hate dying fast and cheap, and that's just what happens in Crucible. Different game, different play style, etc.

I quickly tossed away my Pulse and Scout rifles, and roll only with the Auto - simply as a survival mechanism. But my experience in general has been marred by some of the same things others have described, like dying instantly from another Auto rifle while my has done nothing to them.

Eh, maybe it'll just take me a bit longer to "get it". Old bastard is old.

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