Crucible - please kill me now. Too late, I'm already dead. (Destiny)

by Numinar @, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:02 (3784 days ago) @ yakaman

I for one am enjoying it! It mostly seems fair in that, if I get someone in the back, I win!

However, I keep losing DMR and BR battles vs AR (The sweet higher damage at lower clip one, I always inspect my betters!) at ridiculous mid-long ranges. It seems like I go down in 2 hits, under half a second. I might get one or two bursts off to little effect. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it's a severe case of the client-side prediction blues ala Battlefield.

BF4 has the excuse that it's 64 people on a map, whats Destiny's excuse? I have a fat fiber optic pipe, surely the dedicated servers sort this out?

How is MM done anyway? By PSN account region, IP, locale settings in the console? Anybody know?

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