Stop playing it like Halo. (Destiny)

by yakaman, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:23 (3784 days ago) @ Doooskey

I third this...

After I "got" the gameplay flow, my K/D shot up through the roof. I regularly escape with my life and have had several games with 5 or less deaths.

I feel like I am better than I ever was at Halo, but at the same time, the people I beat the most are the ones playing the game wrong...

Some common mistakes I see (and have taken advantage of):

1. Failing to realize how quickly you will die. You can't even eat 2-3 shots while trying to get a shotgun on someone. You will lose. Way different from Halo.

2. Ignoring slight grenade damage. I play a Warlock and use the vortex grenade. I throw it at doorways to keep guys out, yet people will rush in thinking they can just run through it... It makes them 2-3 shots easier to kill, and gives me all the advantage. If you get hit with a grenade, get out, or get them with yours.

3. Use the right weapon, especially primary. Scout Rifles when at long range, Pulse are better mid-longish, auto rifles do best close-mid. I run auto rifle because all the current maps have tons of close-mid areas, but I am getting killed a lot more by smart guys with scout and pulse rifles.

4. Not running from the Golden Gun (or expecting it to make an appearance). Run from the Golden Gun. Run. Just get out. Use grenades and take advantage of a Golden Gun player's overconfidence. When they throw that gun in the air and turn gold, drop a nade and RUN! Watch for the golden explosion as you are tracking guys on the radar, dead giveaway. I probably die half as often from this Super because of these things.

5. Ignoring Heavy Ammo or Guys who have heavy ammo. Pick it up, I have played 2-3 matches where I am the only getting BOTH drops - and I go on tears. Although, Scout Rifles win against Heavies at range. Also, watch for the drops to disappear (if your team isn't there... it's the other team), and get your team around the ammo when you pick it up. The best matches I have had (close matches) were when we all fought and used heavy ammo.

There are more, but those are some common ones.

I play Warlock and suck with the Nova Bomb, yet I am still 2.5+ on K/D after 23 games.

It the games where I have had good runs (2+ k/d) I've done a lot of what you've noted above. This means that on Venus (for example), I'm chilling in room A, crouched near one entrance and sighting with Auto Rifle through the other. I can hold there forever. Dude runs in, auto-rifled to death. Grenade other entrance and plink the dude who ran through the Vortex, get heavy ammo and rocket a few poor, misguided souls, and then nova bomb the living hell out of anyone else who dares to enter.

Successful, yes. But it's camping. Every time I do it I have to take a shower to feel clean again. ;-)

It's more of a defense game, but I will point out again - first seen, first dead. I absolutely hate that - I love moving around the map. I love team shooting. I love skirmishing.

Where in the world do you find enough room to use a Scout Rifle? Maybe the moon, but the outside is usually death by vehicle.

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