Crucible - please kill me now. Too late, I'm already dead. (Destiny)

by yakaman, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:33 (3784 days ago) @ Numinar

I for one am enjoying it! It mostly seems fair in that, if I get someone in the back, I win!

However, I keep losing DMR and BR battles vs AR (The sweet higher damage at lower clip one, I always inspect my betters!) at ridiculous mid-long ranges. It seems like I go down in 2 hits, under half a second. I might get one or two bursts off to little effect. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it's a severe case of the client-side prediction blues ala Battlefield.

BF4 has the excuse that it's 64 people on a map, whats Destiny's excuse? I have a fat fiber optic pipe, surely the dedicated servers sort this out?

How is MM done anyway? By PSN account region, IP, locale settings in the console? Anybody know?

What is this "client-side prediction blues" of which you speak? Surely my terrible DSL connection does not make me susceptible to such tomfoolery?

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