PR vs What people really think (Destiny)

by Reconcilliation @, Imagination Station, Friday, May 02, 2014, 23:09 (3956 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Something tells me you're just a tad biased at this point. Every single opinion you saw on the net or among your circle of friends was negative? Really? And are you claiming your list of negative impressions is a fair representation of what people really think of this week's Destiny info dump?

Yes, really.
Actually, this forum has so far been the exception... Kind of - But you guys haven't really talked about what stands out, so much as you are lambasting anyone criticizing what's been shown so far, and blindly praising what you've seen.

I wasn't trying to cherry pick anything, I just am not seeing anything on the 'this is looking good' side, beyond "It's awesome because it's awesome". See the earlier comment from Xeno where a single vague positive comment about the game ("Believe the hype.") was enough to convince him it'll be awesome. I'm sorry, but that's getting into fanboyism tier, and you guys are seriously setting yourselves up for disappointment by latching onto comments like that.

Look man, I've been a massive Bungie fan for the better part of a decade, for fucks sake I've got a t-shit with bungie signatures on it from the Halo 2 launch in Seattle. But I'm not going to just say the game looks fucking great just because I'm a Bungie fanboy.

To me, it looks technically competent, but uninspired and lacking some kind of weird nameless critical ingredient that Halo and many other games had, and Destiny so far, just does not. Maybe it's combat pacing, or the healthbars plastered over everything? I don't know, but it doesn't look or feel exciting, and a lot of people I've talked to are in agreement.

The Division looks interesting.
That new CoD game looks interesting.
The Witcher 3 looks interesting.
Destiny does not. What those games have going for them, Destiny is missing it. Maybe it's just a PR budget, I don't know. I can't really pin it down from what I've seen, other than to say what I've said already.

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