
Awesome responses to what was probably a bad post :) (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 22:37 (3869 days ago) @ Xenos

I honestly regretted posting just a few minutes after. I was honestly feeling bummed after reading a few posts in a row that were stating matter-of-factly how Destiny was going to flop and should've just waited a little and I would've gotten over it. I am glad it spawned a good discussion despite itself!

For the record I really don't have anything against someone who is dubious about Destiny or doesn't like what they've seen. It's mostly arrogance or pretension that drive me up the wall. I think this should be the perfect place to talk about concerns (and despite how I most often post, I do have my own concerns that I've even posted on here). I just sometimes get annoyed when someone states with complete certainty how something is terrible. I just need to learn to not let it get to me so much. :)

So, thanks for being awesome DBO.

Be Brave.

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