Prediction on Destiny (Destiny)

by serpx, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 07:31 (3960 days ago) @ Reconcilliation

I hope they reveal more into story at this year's E3.

The game looks enjoyable to me, and it'll be successful. My question: Are these aliens just random aliens, or do they all have a deeper story?

With Bungie, I expect a deep story. I loved Halo's Covenant because they had life to them -- I could believe them. I want to know more about these creatures -- why should I care about them, or even be disgusted with them, aside from them just wanting to kill me? Are they smart? Are they interesting?

Maybe I won't like them, if they're "mythical" and anything goes. In this mythic sci-fi world. How can I believe something that was made to be unbelievable?

If all these answers already exist, I'll admit I haven't followed this game very much. I'm interested, but I'm not sold on the entire universe just yet. That'll take time and hands-on gameplay.

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