I find it hard to be annoyed by most of them (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 18:40 (3959 days ago) @ Leviathan

From my observations at least, conversations and debates dwindle to inflammatory nonsense not because of the opinions or facts being stated, but the way in which they are stated, on both sides.

God forbid someone gets emotional or passionate in a dissenting way, and all of a sudden we get "So much pessimism on the forums." or "Don't be such a debbie downer!"

I will say, on a fan forum, it does make sense that passionate love for the thing in-fandom-of is met with a warmer welcome than passionate dislike, considering the audience, doesn't it? If you wanted a more neutral-opinionated forum, I would think a place with "Destiny" in the title wouldn't be a good indicator of that... But that's just my thoughts. :)

It does make sense. It also makes sense for people, on a fan forum with just as much love and fandom for Bungie and their games as the people waxing poetic about all the things, to be equally passionate in many regards about many things, sometimes in a negative way and also not presented in "the best of ways" all the time.

And about your thoughts, keep excusing yourself/others by implying that a place with "Destiny" is A-Okay for passionate positives and only neutral-to-minor negatives.

It's also pretty ridiculous that it seems like you're implying that people who feel negatively toward something are somehow less fans of Bungie/Destiny than those who never have anything bad to say about it. Way to be welcoming and fostering of discussion. :)

Without that post that started this thread, you wouldn't have yakaman's well thought out post. Or maybe he would have made it elsewhere. Either way, we got what we got from it. Food for thought.

Also from my observations, "passionate in a dissenting way" tends to communicate in a very different form than passionate in a positive way. I'm not referring to you here; I know by experience that when I make a post out of anger, it tends to be among the stupidest things I've ever said, and it rarely generates a quality discussion. :)

You're right on just about all counts. The difference is, no one mocks or treats people poorly for being crazy blind followers who scream, "I SAW ONE CONCEPT ART PHOTO, DESTINY WILL BE THE BEST GAME EVER, TAKE ALL MY MONEY!" as opposed to "Pre-order exclusives that impact gameplay are bullshit."

But I think the biggest problem on both sides of an intense debate, is a tendency to group people who think differently than you into one big group. That's what I think causes the offensive and defensive attitudes - all of the sudden you're mistaking your anger for that one loud, rude person with the calm folk who happen to share the same opinion with them.

Also spot on.

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