
Heh... (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Thursday, May 01, 2014, 15:57 (3868 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by RC, Thursday, May 01, 2014, 16:10

Halo 2 and 3 let you play multiplayer right away, and look at how many folks played, and KEPT PLAYING those online?

I love it when people mention things I can use to argue against them!

Halo 3 is the exact game I was talking about E Pluribus Unum: Matchmaking in HALO 3 - Chris Butcher, in the 'Engineering' section. Check out the graph on Slide 47 and commentary on Slide 51.

19% of players stopped after less than 20 games, and a further 23% stopped before 100 games. So more than 2/5ths of players are gone before the game could get an accurate read on their skill level and get 'good' matches consistently. That's millions of players gone from MP after trying it and, based on the graph numbers compared to sales, at least a million more didn't even touch matchmaking at all.

As others mentioned, it is a very different media landscape that Destiny will be launching into compared to 2004-2007.

In just about every article and interview I've read, Bungie seems obsessed, it'd say even at the level of paranoia, with 'keeping players playing'. This is not something you have to worry about if your game is actually fun.

Fun is a perception and games can only try to be conducive to it.

With the wrong circumstances, anything that many enjoy immensely can be perceived by others as awful.

Like sex.

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