
Polygon: Ten Key Questions (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 17:54 (3958 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Polygon has a new article answering key questions about what Destiny is. Go see the answers here.

"According to Green, you need to play "a couple of hours, tops", to unlock PvP. "And that's only on your first character."


"But why force players to play Destiny for a couple of hours before letting them try PvP? According to Green, it's to ensure players have good enough abilities and equipment to compete."

1. Why do acquired abilities affect the game so much that you can't compete without them?
2. Why not allow players in PvP to simply select any ability they want before the match?
3. Why not just use trueskill to match players with similar skills levels and gear?

More stuff like that…

For the ALL CAPS ?, just a guess: this is a small way the game encourages you out of your comfort zone, let's say, if you're in that apparently large group that buys FPS games and ignores all modes other than PVP.

I'm connecting this with other things they've said related to how the game steers you toward playing with others cooperatively, even if that's not something you'd normally do.

Just a thought.

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