
Polygon: Ten Key Questions (Destiny)

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 20:04 (3958 days ago) @ Cody Miller


Honestly I feel like Tyson's answer to your question really covers it well:

"We found early on that people here in the studio, when they jumped on the game - these were people who were already really familiar with the game mechanics - they would roll a new character, play through the first mission then go right into PvP, and they would just get really beaten up by the other players because they didn't have a super ability yet and they'd only got an auto rifle from the first mission,"

1. Why do acquired abilities affect the game so much that you can't compete without them?

This would be like only one player in Halo not having any access to the Rocket Launcher and over shield, while everyone else does almost simultaneously... Is it possible to compete? Kind of... but it's probably not going to be terribly fun for that unlucky player.

2. Why not allow players in PvP to simply select any ability they want before the match?

Because this breaks the investment. You aren't investing in a character and building up your own lore in your loot collection if you can just jump over to PvP and pick whatever super ability or special weapon that you want. What would be the point of even trying to get those things if you could just play PvP all day and have the entire suite of weapons and supers at your disposal? I know that you think this kind of unlocking mechanic makes games terrible, but this is exactly the kind of game that Bungie wants to create.

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