
SPOILER if you haven't played BioShock Infinite yet (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, March 23, 2014, 17:34 (3906 days ago) @ uberfoop

Um, I think YOU just spoiled something. Your post is the one implying Anna is someone other than Anna.

Hmm, why is Cody referring to a character who acts exactly like this other character as "Anna"?

There aren't very many dots to connect.

It's not really a spoiler.

1. Knowing Elizabeth is Anna tells you nothing. It tells you nothing because you find out she is Anna at the same time you find out who Anna is. Try it. Play the game pretending you know nothing about the end, knowing Elizabeth's real name is Anna. You'll find it spoils nothing, since you don't know who Anna is!

2. Booker calls her Anna early in the game, so you know anyway :-p

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