
Two things can be true at the same time (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, October 18, 2019, 19:32 (1961 days ago) @ Harmanimus

You bought it because you valued it enough to ensure you had it. There was no assurance you would get it for free later (and I don’t recall any of the SoO ornaments dropping from Engrams just from the Bright Dust tracks) and instead of waiting you spent a premium to adopt early. If you did not value it enough to desire it for more than free you would not have bought it.

My point is that in this case, I had no idea that it was or would be available for free. I assumed it was a “silver only” item. I’m not upset about it. It was very possibly my own fault (I don’t remember if they ever said that these ornaments would be available for silver & through free engrams, but I could easily have just missed it).

My point is that I walked away feeling less inclined to spend more money in the future there, because I’m just not interested in following their somewhat convoluted system, and I’d rather not spend money on things that I’m likely to get for free a week or two later (given the amount of time I spend playing). Again, I’m not making accusations of malice. Just saying that for me, their store implementation is making me want to buy less, not more.

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