Sounds like that there is the problem (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, October 18, 2019, 15:59 (1872 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I guess that for me, it comes down to what someotherguy said (and Cody has said before him): you should get mad about injustice, and fight against it when you see it... but my feeling is, the world is FULL of injustice, and I have a finite amount of fight in me. My energy for fighting injustice is currently being spent fighting the cash bail system in America. It's a pretty noble fight, I think, and I put a lot of energy into it. I'm gonna let this one go, except in abstract discussions on a friendly gaming forum.

The beauty is that you can fight this with no energy at all. Just never ever buy anything from the Eververse.

If you believe that resisting temptation requires zero energy, you might be less in tune with human psychology than you think you are.

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