
Sounds like that there is the problem (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, October 18, 2019, 12:01 (1961 days ago) @ Claude Errera

My problem here is this:

Free stuff is cool.

You being disappointed in free stuff going away suggests that having that free stuff is worth manipulating others into spending their money for that same stuff.

I know that’s not the argument you are making, but is legitimately the only way I can view what is currently happening with the Eververse.

I don’t think it’s some ultra nefarious store designed to trick people into spending their rent money on digital trinkets. I thinks it’s explicitly designed to manipulate anyone they can into buying stuff. On some level, that’s just what marketing is, and, again, that’s the point. The Eververse is just a symptom of a larger problem.

Grocery stores putting the Snickers bars next to the register is manipulative. Is it something we need to be up in arms about? Probably not. But we need to all accept that it is manipulative.

Eververse is the same way, only, instead of putting a Snickers bar next to register, it’s 50 different limited edition Snickers bars, and you better get them right now, because they’ll be gone soon, and you know you just want to collect them all, don’t you? You don’t won’t to regret not buying it when they’re gone next week.

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