
State of the Eververse (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, October 17, 2019, 13:31 (1962 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The only reason to make the store rotation work the way it apparently does is to make people scared they’re going to miss out on something they want because they don’t know when or if they’ll be able to buy it again.

Notice how they only do this when money is on the line. For pinnacle weapons? Yeah, FOMO is bad we are changing it.

Yeah, that's not why they got rid of pinnacle weapons. The power of them was breaking the game.

Oh my bad then. I remember reading Bungie saying FOMO was one of the reasons.

I mean, it's possible that people got FOMO because they didn't have the weapons that were breaking the game. But the reason they stopped was because those unique perks were breaking any further development of weapons because they just couldn't keep balancing these new unique perks. So they just had to stop making new ones. At least that was my take away, I"m sure someone could bring up a quote and prove me wrong :D

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