Got it. (Gaming)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10:21 (2651 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

All good points. The only thing I would add, after about an hour of messing around with my XboxOneX dashboard, is that the console makes much less noise than my PS4. But then again, my PS4 sounds like a jet engine. Even my 360 is quieter. Am I the only one?

Dude, just put your PS4 outside and run a cable into the house. I hear Canada is cool in November, so the PS4 fan probably won't even have to turn on!

Really? I thought you want to insulate it from the heat of the outside world. Just put a blanket over it. This doubles as a way to muffle the sound as well!

lol - remember how that was a legit way of fixing a red-ringed 360? And it worked because you were remelting the solder and reseating the main chip?


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