
To buy or not to buy (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, November 24, 2017, 12:39 (2655 days ago) @ Cody Miller

FWIW, I don't regret buying my XBONE, and I plan to get an XBONEX which should solve my only regret with the system - performance.

I vastly prefer the Xbox controllers, especially the elite, though I know that is going to be related to the size and shape of your hands, so YMMV.

I much prefer the interface and voice commands, and lots of little niceties, like having a functional IR receiver/remote control support that is not pathetic (though overall I still use the PS3 for media playback because I like the thumbnail timeline shuttle control so much)

I get what you are saying about games, but there are also a lot of cross platform games and I can play those on XBONEX with better performance (even if 1080p output) and a more developed friends network (I played way more games on XBOX in the prior Generations) with a controller I prefer, and with my one true username (instead of my PSN name with some vestigial initials amended to the end of it because somebody who has not played for years is squatting on it. Ick. )

SO, that's my thinking on it.

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