
To buy or not to buy (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, November 24, 2017, 11:14 (2655 days ago)

The season of economy stimulation is upon us, and the question that popped through my mind is whether to buy an Xbox One X. I passed over the Xbox One, but I took a brief moment to consider the new console. I already own a PS4 Pro, so I thought to myself, what can I get on Xbox that I can't get on PS4?

As far as experience goes, all the comparisons I've seen to multi-platform games seem incredibly minor, and since I am still in 1080p land pretty much a wash. There is no difference technically it seems. So, it's about GAMES.


Yeah. That says it right there. The only thing I'm really sad about missing out on is Cuphead, but that's coming to OS X shortly.

If anyone here DOES have an Xbox One, let me know of any exclusive games you feel are totally worth it. I'm curious here.

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