
To buy or not to buy (Gaming)

by davidfuchs ⌂, USA, Monday, November 27, 2017, 11:02 (2652 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I'd say the exclusives are worth it. Sunset Overdrive is still probably my game of the generation for just being such a blast of fresh air after the sad brown world last gen trended towards, Ori and Cuphead are amazing, and I'm still playing tons of Halo.

As a Mac guy myself who prefers to use controllers for a lot of games and just uses my computer for the minority of other titles (Dota 2, RTS like StarCraft, Minecraft.) an Xbox makes perfect sense and my ROI for a $500 console is worth it. If I had a gaming PC or preferred to do my gaming more on my computer, the calculus would change.

The XB1X making my XB1 games run better, as well as working as a better compatibility box for my 360 games, is icing on the cake.

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