For us junkies (Gaming)

by DEEP_NNN, Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 05:20 (2652 days ago) @ Morpheus

Pretty much, yeah. ;-)


Let me clarify—you don’t need an Xbox One X if you already have an Xbox One. You should only buy an X if you don’t have a console in the first place, or your console breaks or is breaking for any reason.

If you have a 4K TV, sure go nuts! It’s literally the only reason; the difference on 1080’s isn’t even noticeable(obviously).

No, I don't agree with this. Any positive difference is good to have and myself and others I game with have noticed positive changes. I was on a 1080p TV for two weeks. The same improvements are there at 4K even though that should be no surprise to anyone.

Destiny 2 looks more clean and clear with possibly more content and content detail. Never experienced framerate slow down once while I could hear my other friends (Old One) complaining about it. Microsoft has already said some games will scale to the X's capabilities. Halo 3 is apparently an excellent example.

Audio also seems more clean with fewer instances of break down during intense action.

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