I own a One X (Gaming)

by DEEP_NNN, Friday, November 24, 2017, 13:19 (2655 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I know you said it comes down to the games.


1080p TV, games like Destiny 2 look even better. Seem to play better. Perhaps this because of dynamic scaling already built into the software. They sound better too and are particularly good sounding with Dolby Atmos for headsets (no need for expensive surround sound headsets).

I am now on 4K. Everything is again a bit better. Destiny 2 will soon be 4K with HDR. In the mean time, Titanfall 2, Halo 5 and World of Tanks look fabulous. It's like seeing side by side images of XB1/PS4 and high end PC games. The increase in detail is so satisfying and more emmersive.

I can record 1 hour sessions of 4K(I think) gaming to an external media drive.

You get used living with the evolved tech pretty quick.
You might need a bit bigger external hard drive.
You might want to add a media drive.

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