
Value propositions. (Destiny)

by Jillybean, Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 18:40 (3385 days ago) @ narcogen

Veteran players are assuming this package is aimed at them. It is not. It quite obviously is not. People are acting as if Bungie is putting a massive price tag on a dance emote and taking advantage of longtime fans. I honestly do not believe this is so. They want more players so they can sell the next expansion and the following titles.

Yes I think you're right - of course they want to grow their player base.

Of course, the later you get in, the more you'll get for the same price. I'm reminded of the parable of the talents-- day one fans are the workers who showed up first, did a full day's work for a full day's wages, and are complaining that people who came later got more for less work.

If you're honestly considering paying to purchase a bunch of stuff you already own to get some digital swag... the problem is you, not them. Consider stepping away from the game for awhile for your own good.

Ahh, yes. Serves you right for liking something so much you want more of it . . . This is some very backwards logic, Narc.

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