
The thing that bothers me the most about this interview... (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 14:10 (3531 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I've said so much on other posts, which I'm sure you'll read. So I won't address everything you write below. I'm sure you understand.

Gambit? Please.

The 'journalist' reveals his bias when he says he's a fan. My take on this is that Luke could tell this kid was upset and agitated. That's no way to conduct yourself professionally. So he decided 'fuck this, this interview's already going to be biased from the get-go' And he just let the honesty fly. How much more honest can you be when you say "It's about value" - and the pause is probably because he saw this kid about to start crying.

Go Luke go!

I agree. I think Luke saw the writing on the wall about how the interview was going to go, and decided not to play nice.

What really makes me crack up is how now the PS4 folks are getting all up in arms - like they completely forgot that for a YEAR they've had exclusive access to content that XBone folks were denied.

I don't think the frustration is totally without merit, but I'll get back to that in a moment.

Like others have (rightly) said - and I'll rephrase the words to how it *should* be stated: All this about some dance moves? ABSURD! If some stupid dance moves is how we now see as 'exploitative' for the core audience -

The specific items that people are getting worked up about are trivial. No doubt about it. But as I'm sure you already know, it's not really about the specific items. People don't like feeling excluded, and they don't like feeling manipulated. I personally don't feel either of those things, but some clearly do and I can understand why.

I'm glad you don't! And like you, I completely understand why.

Here's where I'm taking it a step further. I'm using my smarts to *reject* the false feeling of being 'manipulated' or 'exploited' or 'deceived' - these are all pure constructs of my *own* creation. There is zero proof that Bungie is actually doing ANY of the above.

This is a new thing - this rejecting thing - I think for many folks here and elsewhere to embrace. For too long we have had an environment where *any* misstep is met with derision, and anger, and the pitchforks come out. ALL I'm asking for is a reasonable attempt to curb those initial impulses. To sit back and wonder - wait, why am I getting so upset? Does my anger, and jumping on the bandwagon with fellow upset gamers, actually help? What is actually going on here?

As others have pointed out, the bonus in-game items included with the new legendary edition are not the kinds of exclusive content that will get newcomers excited. People who don't already play Destiny are not likely to care about new dance moves, exotic class items, or the physical goodies in the box. The people who will care are the ones who already own the game.

I think this is supposition. I think they are following an established precedent of game-of-the-year collections. And I can easily envision folks that were on the fence, or thought Destiny was a crappy game due to the bad press it initially got, that they would love a package where they got lots of new goodies and loot to entice them to purchase the game.

I'm about as dispassionate about this as I could be, but something about this still feels off.

All that said, I do firmly believe that it is too early to freak out about anything. Deej has said that he'll address this issue in the next update. I think we need to wait until we have the whole picture before we decide how we feel.

I'm with you! What I would add though is that *now* I'm hearing folks say "Oh look, Bungie is doing damage control and they're going to announce stuff to placate us all that are upset!" And this again feels like a misstep in seeing cause-and-effect. When TTK was announced, it was said that there was MORE TO COME.

Again, I can understand thinking "oh, that sucks" what I can't understand is the "let's turn this up to 11" outrage.

I don't want to be associated with a bunch of needy whiners as the core audience. It's embarrassing.

- M

For what it's worth, I do think the discussion here is generally a lot more level headed than most other places, even if you feel the specific complaints are trivial. Every now and then I get flashbacks to my Waypoint moderator days (shudders)... we have it GOOD here :)

I get it, but I still feel there is a miasma here that needs addressing.

Let me also take this moment to speak directly to you CL, a few days past you started a discussion that got me rolling in comments with others, and things got all heated and there was back and forth, babies were made, babies were aborted, etc. etc. And Kermit near the end said something like "it's too bad all this had to happen on CL's OP, he's the nicest of guys and doesn't deserve that." I had meant to write, no Kermit, this is EXACTLY why CL's a perfect candidate for these discussions - because a) you're a bonafide Canadian, with your nice laid back attitude - I feel no matter how barbed the words are, they just slide right off of you, and so that means all that anger BS can be set aside and we can discuss the meat of the matter and b) you are a good representative of those people I rail against - but in the sense that you are *just* on the periphery - you are a true addict to the game, many of your posts just make me shake my head, but it's exactly because you are the anti-Cody with the surface-level self-generating loathing against the ills against 'gamer nirvana' and fake persona crap, that actually makes you accessible and my wanting to engage with you. You represent, to me, the insidiousness of how this game has sucked many of us fine people down the rabbit-hole. And with many paragraphs of discourse, excel spreadsheets, and talking over tea and biscuits, the addiction buried underneath is still there.. lurking and convincing some of us that it's perfectly reasonable to talk about moving 3 characters through nightfalls and weeklies, and weighing the minutiae of which gun perk gives us that .005% advantage (listen, Thorn is the answer - it will always be the answer) and therefore every other gun is a joke, worthy of sharding, etc.

In other words, you are my best chance of a breakthrough with the others. So for that I thank you, and hope to see you at PAX in a few months.

- M

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