Value propositions. (Destiny)

by yakaman, Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 11:33 (3531 days ago) @ narcogen

Veteran players are assuming this package is aimed at them. It is not. It quite obviously is not. People are acting as if Bungie is putting a massive price tag on a dance emote and taking advantage of longtime fans. I honestly do not believe this is so. They want more players so they can sell the next expansion and the following titles.

I completely agree that this is primarily aimed at new players. Most of the value in the package is Destiny itself, not the stuff. While it may not be Bungie's intention to (seem to) gouge veteran players, they may have underestimated or miscalculated the perception.

But I can't give them a free pass. For example, they might have simply added the new shaders and class items and emotes to people that already own DB and HoW. Although some might scoff at that stuff, I'd like to point out that people will grind forever to rank enough times just for the opportunity to get a faction shader.

The stuff (shaders, emotes, class items) are easy-cheesy - cheap to make. Throwaways. Except to veteran players that are looking for any scrap of newness they can find. What will that stuff matter to new players?

The Collector's package is aimed at new players, except for the stuff that veterans crave. That was most certainly put there to lure the veterans.

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