
The thing that bothers me the most about this interview... (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 14:42 (3385 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I would've stepped back and said to myself - why was I asking this dev/game-designer NON-PR person at Bungie these questions? You know, I'll see what Deej or Urk or heck even Parsons have to say. You don't think if he showed them his exchange w/ Luke that they would've jumped at the chance to present their side of things? Now we're talking journalism, where the whole thing (Luke/DeeJ/Urk/etc) is examined, dissected, and presented to the reader.

You firstly assume he has access to those other people, and second, this piece did more than the hypothetical piece which you wanted him to write could ever do. FORBES just wrote an article about how it was a disaster, and Bungie needs to consider changing things moving forward. Bungie's terrible decision is starting to spiral into negative PR.

Mission accomplished man. Let's be honest: there's really no defending what Bungie is doing on any sort of creative or ethical level. Most people just want to play awesome games and not have to deal with this shit.

What I love about you is how consistent you are with your false assumptions. What's funny is how even your own words, if you bothered to read them, would prove your false premises.

- M

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