Nah, that's definitely Luke. :) (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Monday, June 22, 2015, 20:28 (3532 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

Luke's always been willing to smile about the stuff that makes some people uncomfortable. ;)

I saw that interview this morning, and I squirmed a little. I read Earendil's rationalization below, and I guess my only real problem is a point made by the interviewer (one of his few defensible positions):

The Collector's Edition is aimed squarely at the only group of fans who ABSOLUTELY have the initial game and the first two expansions.

Folks who don't care about schwag will buy the $40 Digital TTK version, and be happy.

Folks who were on the fence about Destiny before now, or had never heard of it, or even had bought the original game but held off on the expansion packs, will buy the $60 no-frills-but-all-real-content edition, and be happy. ($60 for just the three expansions seems okay to me - you're also getting the original game, but it doesn't feel like you're really paying for it.)

Folks who love the game, and love schwag, will buy the collector's edition... and be unhappy, because they're getting a bunch of stuff they already have (and have already paid for) along with the stuff they want.

It's as though Bungie (or more likely Activision) is saying "hey, let's ream the hardcore fans, because they're the least likely to dump us when it happens."

Well, that's what it feels like, anyway. I hope there was another rationale to the given price structure, and I hope someone, at some point, can tell us what it is. :)

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