
"Microtransactions make that possible"? Was that sarcasm?

by Mr Daax ⌂ @, aka: SSG Daax, Tuesday, March 05, 2013, 20:44 (4377 days ago) @ Kermit

I don't completely disagree with hardly any post you make, Cody, but I find your style offensive. Funny how you skipped right over Claude's most important criticism.

Generally, you never try to persuade, but only mock, belittle, and curse those with whom you disagree.

As far as his way of expressing his opinion, I don't get the feeling that he intends to mock, belittle, and curse others, as you say. I just think that he is vehemently passionate about his opinions, and because of that passion, I personally enjoy reading the discussions he is involved in (sometimes to the point of mirthful laughter), even when I disagree with what he has to say. Then again, you guys are more familiar with him than I, so...

As for the microtransaction issue (not including DLC) I won't argue what has already been said; I'll just put forth my own feelings on the issue. Overall, it just doesn't sit well with me. If the content being paid for is merely cosmetic and has no effect on gameplay, I could care less. But when the content being paid for does affect gameplay, e.g., makes a person level up faster, gives them more powerful weapons that would otherwise be difficult to obtain, helps them pass over difficult gameplay sections, it feels a lot like cheating. This especially applies to a multiplayer/socially focused game like Destiny. It really sucks when players around you are better/higher level/have better weapons than you because they paid for it and not because they earned it. Sure, I get the pleasure of playing the game in it's entirety and earning everything, but it would still leave me feeling frustrated and very unhappy. It would devalue the game in my eyes.

Think of it like this. How would you feel if your best friend, who you've spent years earning his/her respect and love and gaining his/her trust, suddenly started treating another person with the same amount of respect and love because they paid for it? Your friendship suddenly would feel worthless and the time spent getting to know eachother pointless. Not to mention you would probably lose your best friend. That's the only comparison I can make to how I feel about the issue.

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