by kapowaz, Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 14:24 (4383 days ago) @ Cody Miller

First of all, the money has to come from somewhere, so what you're advocating is essentially the hardcore players spending more than $60 to subsidize the casuals playing for free or cheap, and that's really really stupid. This is a leisure, luxury activity so we don't need to be spreading the wealth around so the casuals can play for free at (literally) our expense, thank you very much.

But that's precisely what's happening in the ‘freemium’ marketplace, with a small number of extremely extravagant ‘whales’ contributing a disproportionate amount to the bottom line.

Free to Play and Micro Transactions ruin games. Period.

Team Fortress 2 has been ruined, huh? Better tell everyone who plays it.

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