by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Friday, March 01, 2013, 14:38 (4381 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Exactly. As is the assessment of how much fun a part of a game can be, which is a argument for excusing some players of skipping parts of the game, while other don't.

Again, player tastes don't factor into this. The inclusion of microtransactions for stuff obtainable by playing the game tells you that the developer is not only counting on, but knows that there are parts you'd want to skip. Instead of taking that knowledge and fixing those parts the best they can, they make you pay extra.

Players can prefer or dislike whatever they want, because that is taste. What is not okay is the developer intentionally crippling an aspect of their game in order to use this particular microtransaction model.

The problem is you're equating intentionally crippling with any and all forms of microtransactions. That is simply wrong.

In the rare case of a developer intentionally crippling a game and pushing the fix to microtransactions, then yes, I'd wager you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that's a Good Idea.

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