uhhhhhh.... i think you misread (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 19:27 (3827 days ago) @ kapowaz

Class vs. Class balance isn't really the issue. Its more a problem with abundant power than allocation of power.

No, I understood it alright — I'm talking about the problems with taking power (or more accurately, the granularity of power) from the PvE experience to the PvP gameplay environment. ‘Too many instakill moves’ comes from this: if the gameplay of PvP was designed independently of PvE, you can almost guarantee this wouldn't have happened. Class vs Class is another issue entirely.

Ohh, well, your post didn't really say that, your post focussed almost entirely on either Class vs. Class. Anywho, that's neither here nor there, as I'm not really convinced that this is the issue. Destiny has already has mechanisms that could in theory flatten a bunch of this stuff out to create a variety of different experiences. From what I've seen in the streams, including Schooly's you could probably get a really tight 4 vs 4 halo / COD hybrid shooter out of Destiny.

Bungie's mistake is one of trying to do that in the first place. I'm sorely disappointed they decided to eschew what makes destiny interesting, to instead hold close what made Halo interesting. Halo's not going anywhere, I can still go hop into games of Reach, 3, or 4 easily, and this fall 1 and 2 also. The idea of using destinies character progression systems, seamless matchmaking and open world to create new experiences is thrilling, but instead we are back to running around and shooting things in closed off environments. Watch_Dogs is having a ton of success with it's invasion mechanic, it seems like Destiny is made for that. Or maybe a race through Old Russia to bring back something for the tower? How about a scuttle over a an artifact that players join and drop out from seamlessly as they decide.

With all of those things you can kind of embrace character customization, and environment, and seamless matchmaking, instead of trying to push it down.

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