Your prognosis is... odd? (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 20:39 (3827 days ago) @ Schooly D

So, I want to lead this by saying, Destiny PVP sounds disapointing on a couple of major levels. The desire to hew to the tried and true arena shooter model frankly sucks, and the balancing system where everything just get's flattened is disappointing. If you want to have a game about players creating these cool synergistic builds, then let them use those builds Similarly, if you are going to build this massive infrastructure to do seamless matchmaking, why not use it in MP also? It's safe, boring design, and honestly pretty frustrating.

I kind of doubt I"m going to explore PVP much at all this time around

All that said, the prevalence of insta kill elements you are complaining about seems eminently fixable. I mean, that's the kind of thing that bungie created as different variants in every other Halo game. Literally, you are talking about adjusting back some spawning times on a spreadsheet for some power weapons, and supers. If Halo 3 could support MLG and Heavies game types, I don't see why destiny is somehow locked into this one mode of play. I mean, the strength of arena style play is that you ahve control all the elments, so you can craft very specific gametypes, so I imagine bungie is living up that at least.

There's zero technical reason it couldn't be changed either, I'm going to hazard a safe guess that, ammo for heavies, super charge rate, etc are all just sitting in some XML file that can be tweaked for matchmaking.

So why won't it be changed? Has bungie said something on the Alpha forums that indicates they want all this crazy spiky damage? Because the idea that it can't be changed, when all evidence says it can, seems odd.

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