
uhhhhhh.... i think you misread (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 11:10 (3827 days ago) @ kapowaz

Consider it a personal So-What Test from me. You have an opinion. So what? Why should I care what you think?

What a refreshing and earnestly sociable attitude to embrace!

You misunderstand me.

I'm simply saying I have a process by which I take aboard someone's views and compare them to my own, then adopt or discard them as I see fit. Reason rules this evaluation. If one's opinion proves baseless by this, I can still respect them and their opinion, it just means it doesn't hold weight with me.

It's not meant to be hostile or antisocial in the slightest. I think there are plenty of others here that can attest to my nature.


EDIT: In fact, read the rest of my response. The very point I make is that I approach another's opinion open to the possibility that they could change what I think. I'm not sure there's a more fundamentally accepting and sociable posture to take.

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